
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wow! 8 challenges in 1 card!

Hi Everyone,
You know how I did 6 callenges in one card last week?, well I've topped myself this time with 8 in 1!
I've been so busy with other cards that to get every challenge I wanted to do in I had to combine and I hope you like the result :)
This card covers:
Rosie Dee's Color challenge - Pink and Lime
Secret Saturday Color challenge - Pink and Green
Allsorts Theme challenge - Wings (on the butterfly as you can't see Tilda's, hee hee!)
Our Creative Corner Theme challenge - Stars
Sketch Saturday Sketch #56
Just Magnolia Theme challenge - Summer
Pile It On Color challenge - Purple (the butterflies are purple and a little on the stripes of Tilda's shirt)
Lili of the Valley Technique challenge - Paper Piecing (I paper pieced Tilda's shirt and jeans)
Whew, that was a long list and now comes the card :)

I tried to make it so it looked like Tilda was sitting on an open windowsill and the border punch was the curtains.
I used the Tilda with Bee from the Chasing Butterflies collection and colored her with my Copic's and paper pieced her shirt and jeans. I used 2 different border punches both by Fiskars. The sentiment is from The Paper Company and the dp is DCWV Garden Party.

The inside just has coordinating papers from the Garden Party and Spring stacks by DCWV.

Here is a close up of cute Tilda. It looks like she has a halo from the sun but it was too late to restamp so I had to go with it :)
I hope you have a happy rest of your day and be sure to check back tomorrow for a card using the Friday Sketchers latest sketch.


  1. Darling card! Tilda looks like a little angel with her halo (very cute)!

  2. Wow, Katie! I can hardly believe that you got 8 challenges onto one adorable card! You go girl! What a cutie! You've done a beautiful job of pulling it all together...

  3. Oh how CUTE, Katie! Love the layout and all the special touches you gave it! And Tilda is just too cute with those sun rays coming out from behind her. Great card!

  4. I'm not a fan of Tilda as lots of people know (it's the lack of nose and mouth thing!), but this is such a pretty card Katie. Your colouring is wonderful!!!

    Thank you so much for joining us at Rosie-Dee's this week.


  5. Beautiful card! That is terrific that you did this for 8 different challenges! Good luck!
    Jodi =)

  6. Awesome, Katie! Just awesome to combine so many challenges and come up with a beautiful card. Love how Tilda is sitting on the window sill. Great ideas going on here. Cami

  7. How awesome to do 8 challenges in one! Way to go!
    Your card is just darling with all it's details. Tilda is so cute!!
    Hugs, Candy

  8. This is a fantastic card you did Katie. Beautiful layout (although that's the challenge sketch, but your card made this sketch even more special)

  9. oh katie,
    she looks like she is dressed from the catalog of Carter's for bigger girls! Just love all the paper piecing and the colors!

    thanks for Playing w/ us!!!

    -- dalis DTC for Pile It On!

  10. Katie, she is just much detail and I love your description of her...Great job...Hugs..Jacque

  11. Hi Katie, Wow 8 challenges in one card ~ Well done! Your card is gorgeous. I love this Tilda imge.

    Thanks for joining us at Allsorts this week.

    Lisa x

  12. Clever you to combine so much into one card, takes some doining so well done. Love how you ahve carried your colour theme to the inside of the card as well, a nice touch.

    Thanks for joining in at Allsirts this week.

    B x

  13. A fabulous card, thank you for joining us at just magnolia. hugs rachxx

  14. Stunning Kate and wow to all those challenges!!
    Thank you for joining in the SCSC this week.
    Cathy xx

  15. oh my word - 8 in one and such a pretty one too

    thanks for joining us this week on SCSC :)

    Hugs Jane x

  16. Kate. . . your card is soooo pretty. I just love it. Wonderful coloring! Hugs, Christina

  17. Very cute!!

    Thanks for playing with us at PILE IT ON!!


  18. lovely love the paper peicing,
    thanks for playing at Allsorts

    Emma xxx

  19. gorgeous card! love it

    thanks for joining us this week on the allsorts challenge


    Amanda xx

  20. beautiful card Katie, love the paper piecing wow 8 challenges from one card well Done! thanks for joining us at scsc hugs Jill xx

  21. Great card dear what a fabulous image and great colouring, have a great weekend
    Hugs Jacqui x

  22. Wow Katie, its totally gorgeous, so much detail. Thanks for taking part in the LOTV and SCSC


Thanks for taking a moment and making me smile :)