
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2 Cards for you to enjoy!

Happy Wednesday!
I may no longer be on the team at LaLa Lands but these new images were so cute that I wanted to join in with one last card :)
I used the fabulous sketch at Just Us Girls and Incy Wincy wanted you to Bling It Up!

I colored Maya with Copic's and I thnk she may have been out in the sun too much but at least she's in the Valentines "Moo"d!
The papers are Basic Grey from the Infuse Collection.

There are fabulous new Valentines images on their way to the La La Lands store and you won't want to miss them!
To celebrate these new images the team are having a Blog Hop and you can catch all the fun over there.

I also have news on my own challenge blog Cooking It Up With Katie. Last year we did challenges on Thursdays but I've taken on a new DT position and left another and it now works so much better to have the challenges on Wednesdays.
So this week is the 1st challenge on the new day.

The new recipe is:
Not Your Usual Valentine image
Try a technique you've not done before
Add a color challenge from another blog

And of course I'm using some more challenges with this card too!
365 Cards Day 309 had a super sketch
and Day 308 had a great challenge of stamping on ribbon
Rosie Dees had a Free Choice week
The Pink Elephant had a recipe of 2 Designer papers, 3 Buttons and Snowflakes
A Spoon Full of Sugar wanted to see Hearts
Colour Q had a color combo of Rich Razzleberry, Orchid Opulence, Regal Rose, Kiwi Kiss and White
Creative Card Crew wanted to see Distrssing
Digital Tuesday wanted a Valentines card for a loved one

This fantastic image is Blessed Snow Angel and comes from this challenges sponsor, Faith of Designed to Delight. I colored him/her with Copic's.
I used Basic Grey Sultry and Lollipop Shoppe dp.
I used green grosgrain ribbon and Stamps by Judiths stamps and Memento ink.

Inside is more dp and a message mat.

Here is a close up of the image out of the pocket.

I hope you can join in my challenge atCooking It Up With Katie.


  1. Both cards are so beautiful Katie!
    Beautiful coloring and details!

    Hugs, Anne

  2. both of these are just gorgeous!! The pink cow did make me laugh!! Just brilliant! Love them both! Hugs Juls

  3. Love your cards :-)super cute stamps :-) Have a nice day :-)

  4. Ahhhhh cute cute cute. Love that little COW! Thanks SO MUCH for playing along with Just Us Girls as we kick off a whole new year. Hope to see you again this next week, too.

  5. I really like the card you made for 365 Cards sketch...but honestly, that flying cow cracked me up! I love her! You did a fabbie job with it. Just FANTASTIC!

  6. Both of your cards are fabulous!!! Thx for joining us @ 365 cards!!!

  7. These are gorgeous. Love the cute pink cow. So fun!!

  8. Both cards are cute Katie! Your flying cow image is a hoot & you did a great job with the coloring! That snowman is adorable :) Thanks for playing along with Just Us Girls sketch challenge - I hope you return Saturday for an all new technique challenge!

  9. Beautiful image LORVE it

    Thanks for joining Incy Wincy Challenges with this lovely Project Beautifully made

    Liz xx

  10. Great cards - love them. Thanks for joining the challenge at The Pink Elephant - hope we'll see you again next week.
    ann xxx

  11. Hi again Katie

    Didnt look properly before and missed this post. Morfe great cards and some yummy DP on the first one.

    Thanks for sharing with us at Rosie D's.

    B x

  12. wow gojus card great detail in all of them thanks for joining us at incy designs this week love cheryl xxxxxxxx

  13. Both of these cards are so cute! Love the Valentine's card...that cow is adorable! thanks so much for playing our JUGs challenge!

  14. Both cards are fabulous -- what CUTE images...I may have to go check them out!

    THanks for taking the time to play along with Just Us Girls this week!

  15. What cute cards, love the images. Thanks so much for playing along with us.

  16. Great cards, I can tell you take time and care with your crafts! Thanks for joining us at TPE this week!


  17. Awesome cards, Katie - those images are so cute!!! Great job with all those challenges & thanks so much for playing along at the colourQ this week! ~Arielle

  18. Lovely to see your work at Rosie-D's Challenge! Thanks for joining us! Look out for our new challenge tomorrow!!

    Sweet greetings, Saskia

  19. So beautiful love them both your designs and colours are so lovely thank you so much for joining us at Digital Tuesday

    Lorraine x

  20. I love them all!

    Thanks for joining us at Rosie D's.

    Hope to see you again soon.


  21. Wonderful cards!! Thanks for joining us this week at The Pink Elephant!!


  22. Wow what a beautiful card lovely detail.Thanks for taking part in the CCC Challenge.
    Paula xxxx


Thanks for taking a moment and making me smile :)