
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sketch 14 for Delightful Sketches

Happy Thursday,
Now the Holidays are over it's time to get back on track with that card making!! LOL
Maybe you made a New Years Resolution to make a card a day or that you'd never forget another birthday, well joining in challenges are a great way to keep up those promises, have fun along the way and maybe even win a prize!
Delightful Sketches are back with another new sketch and it's a great one!

Also we have a super sponsor this week....
The cutting cafe blinkie
The prize is a fabulous 4 images/files of your choice!

I also have some other challenges that are covered in this card.
Crazy 4 Challenges wanted to see Polka Dots
Our Creative Corner wanted to see "Clean and Simple" and this is definitely "less stuff" than my usual card.
Everybody Art wanted your Favorite Color Combo and I decided to go with Blue, Green and White

I decided to go with a birthday theme as we can never have enough birthday cards in our stash.
I chose to use Alien Andy as he was so cute and I've not used him before.
As usual I colored him with Copic's. The dp are DCWV and the border punch is EK Success.

Be sure to check out all the other wonderful cards from the Design Team and have a go with the sketch yourself.


  1. Fabulous Katie and the googly eyes on the spaceship are sooooo much fun!!

  2. OOOH Katie, I love that sketch, I will have to make something using it when I get home or in the am one. This is just adorable Love that precious image

  3. Such a cute birthday card Katie.
    Great job.

  4. I Love it! So cute, I always have a hard time making "boy looking" cards, I always want to add flowers, & ribbon!
    ALoha & Hugs,

  5. Neat card for a little boy! Terrific image and beautiful coloring. Great job on the CAS challenge. Thanks for joining in the fun at the OCC this week!

  6. nice post. thanks.


Thanks for taking a moment and making me smile :)