
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pixie Cottage Tutorial - Fabric Flowers by Me!

Good Morning, I hope this will be a Super Saturday!
It's time for a new tutorial at The Pixie Cottage and this time it's done by yours truly!
A few weeks ago I did a card with a fabric rosette flower and I had some questions about how I made it and so that's what I'm showing you today.

First gather your things, you'll need:
Fabric (cotton or a cotton blend is easier to work with)
A needle and thread
Fabric scissors

Cut your fabric into a strip 6" long by 2" wide.

Fold it in half along the long side with right sides out and pin together.

Sew along the bottom edge in a loose running stitch.

Gently gather the fabric up along the thread to draw it together.
Do this slowly and gently to make sure you don't break the thread or you'll have to start again.

Pull the thread to make the gather as tight as you can, again being careful not the break the thread.
Sew the two short ends together and tie off your cotton.

This is the unembellished flower.

Find an embellishment for the center.
You can use a brad, button, anything that works for your project. Brads are easy as you can stick the prongs through the tiny hole in the middle and then open them out on the other side.

The embellished flower.

Here are some in different sizes.
I'm not showing my completed project as it is for the upcoming challenge on Wednesday. We will be having another guest sketcher and this one is a superstar crafter!
I'd love to see your fabric flowers, give them a try and maybe they can go on your entry when the next challenge is revealed ;)
Have a great weekend.


  1. ooooh that is just fab, i am going to try this later xxxx

  2. Hi Katie ~
    Awesome tutorial! Thank YOU!
    Rach ~Queen La Rubba

  3. These are so pretty Katie! Thanks for a great tutorial I must have a go!

  4. brilliant tutorial hun hugs cheryl xxxx

  5. Great tutorial Katie! Have to give this a try, later...

    Have a nice day!

    Hugs, Anne

  6. hi katie thanks for your awesome tutorial!
    xoxo BA

  7. It looks great Katie.
    Wowie tutorial.
    Adrina XX

  8. great tutorial! thanks for sharing hugs xx


Thanks for taking a moment and making me smile :)