
Friday, May 21, 2010

Have you "Mushroom" for any more cards?

Happy Friday!
Earlier in the week I showed you a Ladybug card made from an image I won in a challenge, well today is another one of those fabulous images! I love all the weird and wonderful creations at Busy Beauties and this set of Mushrooms/Toadstools is super sweet!

I used a few challenges to help me finish this card:

Oh Alice - Mushroom Inspiration
Basic Grey - Punch It (and BG)
Lexi's - Sketch
Craft Your Passion - 5 Buttons
Going Grey - Children (and BG)
Doodle Palace - Pop It Up
Charisma - 3D
Practical Scrappers - Patterned Paper

Card Recipe:
Image - A Happy Day by Busy Beauties
Paper - Basic Grey Infuse
Medium - Copic Markers
Buttons - Unknown
Border and Corner Punch - Martha Stewart
Sentiment - Marcella by K&Co

I did two copies of the image, cut one out and popped it on top.
The buttons are from a grab bag I got years ago and there are some great rustic ones in there so I used jute to help with the rustic, outdoors feel.
I really had fun with this card and hope you like it too.


  1. Ohhhh this is fabulous! Gorgeous papers...thanks for playing at Lexi's Creations

    Hugs Lexi xxx

  2. this is really so gorgeous!! love the colors and all.. fab buttons too ;)) great job!
    Thank you for joining us this week at CRAFT YOUR PASSION :) it is such a pleasure to see your creations :) good luck!

    Hugs x

  3. Great job combining all those different patterned papers! Love the image too. Too cute. Thank you for sharing it with us at Practical Scrappers.

  4. Love it Katie! What a cute scene, love that you popped them up and stamped twice; it gives a real nice effect!

  5. I love this card! Great job!! Thanks for playing with us at Going Grey with Scrap-Creations.

  6. THis is fabulous, cute image, great colouring.

    Hugs Ali x

  7. Oh this is lovely and made me smile! Thanks for playing at Lexi's. x

  8. fab card ,love the papers and how you have coloured the image,thanks for joining us at lexis creations and good luck
    lalkygirl x

  9. Cute card and great mushrooms! Thanks for joining us at Craft Your Passion.

  10. Katie! OMGosh, I love this! First, the image is fab (go Busy Beauties!) and second I adore the Origins paper you used! That big button is delish!
    So glad you could play with Alice this week!
    PaperAddict Catherine

  11. Oops! My bad - you used Infuse (it helps if I read *before* commenting! LOL!) - another fave. All BG is good in my book.

  12. Oh what a fantastic card! My daughter would love this....she loves mushrooms. Thanks for joining us at Lexi's Creations.
    hugs, Diana

  13. This is gorgeous! I love all the attention to detail. A really special card. Thanks for playing along at Craft Your Passion. x x

  14. Fab card, love how every element matches so nicely. Thanks for joining us at Charisma Cardz.
    Joanne x

  15. This is a fabulous 3-D project, so pretty. Thanks for playing with Charisma this week. Good luck.
    xx Vee

  16. What a cute card Katie. Love it!

  17. very cute, love how you popped up the mushroom images! Thanks for playing with us at Going Grey with Scrap-creations!

  18. This is absolutey fab - I love them 'shrooms!

    Thanks for joining us at Charisma - good luck!

    Leanne xx

  19. What a beautiful card! Love the colors and image you used. Thank you for joining us at CYP this week!.

  20. I blove this card, those mushrooms are so cute. The BG paper matches the card perfectly! Thanks for playing with us at Going Grey with Scrap-Creations.

  21. Oh WOW what a GREAT card!!! Thanks so much for joining us at Going Grey!

  22. Your card is super cute!!!! Thank you for joining us at Going Grey with Scrap-creations

  23. wow I love this card the papers, image and colours are fab, thanks for joining us at lexis


Thanks for taking a moment and making me smile :)