Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Pixie Cottage Challenge #20 - Add a Pocket or Tag - Guest Sketch

It's another Once Upon a Wednesday over at The Pixie Cottage
This week we have another Special Guest Sketcher and it's certainly a favorite or mine, it's Bev Rochester from All The Things I Love!

She created this fabulous sketch for us to use:

As well as the sketch we have an optional technique of adding a Tag or a Pocket to your card, remember you can chose the sketch, the technique or both!

One randomly picked winner will get their choice of 2 Pixie Cottage Stamps and the Design Teams Top Three entries will get to display the winners badge on their blog.

As always I have a few other challenges with this card:

Clearly I Stamp - Flowers
AI Factory - Brads and Animals
Speedy the Cat - Animal
One Stitch At a Time - Furry Friends
Paper Popsicles - Animals
365 Cards Day 85 - Flora and Fauna
Digital Tuesday - Cute People (I don't think bears ARE people but these ones are dressed up like people and sure are cute and are brand new digis!)
Colour Create - Soft Green and Light Aqua
Dutch Dare - 2 papers, 3 colors and 4 buttons
Papercutz - Buttons and Lace
The Town Scrapper - Flowers and Lace
Creative Craft Challenges - Bows and Ribbons
Paperplay - Wedding Celebrations
Etsy Inspired - Green and Aqua Wedding Invitation
Think Ink - Pockets

Card Recipe:
Image - Digital Stamps Beary Special Wedding Bride by ArTish and Digital Stamps Beary Special Wedding Groom by ArTish
Paper - DCWV The Linen Closet
Flowers - Wild Orchid Crafts
Medium - Copic Markers
Glitter - Stickles
Sentiment - KI Memories
Rhinestones - Colorbok
Doily - Little Yellow Bicycle Clothesline Paper Doilies
Lace - Offray
Die Cuts - Quickutz Nesting

Cut these cuties out and popped them up and then "Stickled" them as much as possible! LOL
We'd love to see your creations with the sketch, so get creating and drop by The Pixie Cottage and show us what you made!


Audrey said...

LOVE your card!! That is so cute. Thanks for joining us on AiFactory. Hope to see you agin next week!

Risa said...

What a beautiful card Katie! Your images are adorable and your detailing is fabulous!

Random Acts of Krafting said...

Love the colors, and the image is just too cute.

Tammy said...

I am so loving this adorable image...great card.
Thanks for joining us this week over at OSAAT. Smiles...Tammy

Mandy said...

Gorgeous card Katie, love everything you've done and used.
Thanks for joining our Wedding challenge at Paper Play
hugs Mandy xx

Ashley Newell said...

This is ADORABLE! I love the flowers and the fibers! Thanks for playing along with the EtsyInspired challenge this week, it means a lot to me!

Brooke said...

What a gorgeous card!! Love the bears and those flowers!! Thanks for joining us at Paper Popsicles!!

Kelly Schelske said...

Oh so pretty! Love the colors!

Thanks for playing along with us at The Town Scrapper!

Unknown said...

Stunning card love all your detail, Thanks for joining us over at OSAAT and hope to see you again soon Good Luck
Sarah xx

Annika said...

Stunning card - the image is so cute, texture fab and layout works perfectly!

Liz said...

Back again! Thanks also for joining us over at the OSAAT challenges this week with this great card

Liz xx

cheryl said...

wow katie just love this incerdiable detail love cheryl xxxx

cheryl said...

guess who he he sorry kate forgot to say thanks for playing at OSAAT love hugs cheryl xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

wow.. such a cute cute card :D

Audrey Ernst (hippieaud) said...

What a FABULOUS card, GREAT sketch and LOVE how you cut out the animals. Thanks for joining AI FACTORY challenges this week:)

Lawren said...

What a pretty card! Thanks for joining us at AIFactory.

Liz Williams said...

This little bear couple is just the cutest. Thanks for sharing your card for Speedy's Friends' challenge.

Vicki Dutcher said...

What a wonderful textured card! Thanks for playing with Speedy's Friends!

artish said...

as always katie--love your choice of colors. the lace and ribbon trim, with the bling and the stickles really add to the elegance of mr. and mrs. bear!! they're happily on their honeymoon in blogland!
hugs~ thanks for using our new pixie cottage digis!

artish said...

as always katie--love your choice of colors. the lace and ribbon trim, with the bling and the stickles really add to the elegance of mr. and mrs. bear!! they're happily on their honeymoon in blogland!
hugs~ thanks for using our new pixie cottage digis!

Sam said...

Really cute card Katie as always. Thanks for taking part in the fun here at OSAAT.
Sam x

Mark's Finest Papers said...

I love it!

de said...

So sweet and pretty!

Thanks for playing EtsyInspired this week!

Tammy said...

Love this card! Thanks for playing at OSAAT this week.

Tricia said...

How cute! And I love the saying! Thanks for joining this month's Clearly Inspired challenge!

Sammy said...

What a cute couple, this is lovely. Thank you for joining in at Creative Craft Challenges xx

Anonymous said...

This image is just too funny. You did a beautiful job coloring as usual. I want to thank you for being the best team leader EVER! You put so much work into our team. I would be lost without you girl.

sandra's crafty corner said...

hi hun i just love yourt card its fab, thanks for playing along at creative craft challenges and dont forget we have a dt call out till the 8th june xxx

Anne said...

Your card is beautiful Katie! and I love the colors you have used =)

Have a wonderful day!

Hugs, Anne

Susan Says (Stupid Stuff) said...

What a cute card, love the contrast of the serious paper and the funny image, it's all just perfect together :D
Thanks very much for joining in with our Furry Friends challenge at OSAAT, don't forget to check back tomorrow for the new challenge and good luck! :D

stitchy said...

Oh Katie, this card is so charming, I love all the frillies on it, just gorgeous..thank you for joining us at OSAAT - good luck hun

stitchy xoxox

Gloria Stengel said...

So well done! So much to look at. And I loooove the flowers. Thanks for playing at 365 Cards.

Maria Matter said...

Gorgeous card Katie!
thanks for playing @ Digital Tue!

Pam said...

This is stunningly beautiful!!

Sara Smeby said...

What a sweet card, Katie! You're so clever to combine the challenges like this! So inspiring! Please send some TX heat to the Seattle area; it's so soggy of late! :) Sara

Cassie said...

Oh this is cute, cute! Love that image!